2021 - The Union Square Florist Shop: A Case of Spectral Immersion co-presented with Ruby Carlson at the 30th International Panorama Council Conference, New Bedford, MA, USA
2020 - Twenty Years Hidden in Plain Site, co-presented with Ruby Carlson at the 29th International Panorama Council Conference, Bursa, TURKEY
2020 - Shengjing Panorama: An International Collaboration in Space and Time Krannert Art Museum, Visiting Artist at University of Illinois School of Art & Design, Champaign, IL, USA
2019 - Shengjing Panorama: A Sino-American Bridge between Cities and Centuries, NYU Shanghai Interactive Media Program Visiting Artist, Shanghai, CHINA
2018 - Shengjing Panorama: A Landmark 360° Collaboration between the Velaslavasay Panorama and Experts of Chinese Panorama Painting, Memory and the Panorama - 27th International Panorama Council Conference, Istanbul, TURKEY
2016 - Lectures & Illuminations at the Velaslavasay Panorama in Los Angeles, Plantations, Wars, the Mississippi River and all that Jazz - 17th International Convention of the Magic Lantern Society of US & Canada, New Orleans, LA, USA
2016 - In China - 1989 to Now: Immersive 360-degree Panoramas, In a Time and Place Series at the Velaslavasay Panorama, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2015 - Federal Filings & Financial Fundamentals: Forming a 501 c 3 Nonprofit, MUI Arts Summit, Getty Foundation, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2015 - Adamek Panorama Unrolling & Survival Through Benign Neglect Illustrated Lecture, Washington University Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Art, St. Louis, MO, USA
2014 - Monumental Civic Memory: From Pyongyang to a Seattle Car Wash, Public Art Open Office Hours, LA County Arts Commission, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2014 - The Nova Tuskhut: The only Arctic Home in Los Angeles since 1915, Kultur+Kongress Forum, 23rd Annual IPC Conference, Altötting, GERMANY
2013 - Barbarous Hindrance, Translucent Travels Slide Show Series, performance with Guan Rong & Rosco Posada, Automata in Chinatown, Los Angeles, California, USA
2013 - The World's Largest Painting and Other Recent Panoramas in Asia, Panoramic Spectacles – A Tourist Attraction Then and Now, 22nd Annual IPC Conference, Lucerne, SWITZERLAND
2012 - The Velaslavasay Panorama & The Siege of Paris in Downtown Los Angeles, Pleven Epopee 1877 Panorama Conference, Pleven, BULGARIA
2012 - Immersive Amusements: Cosmoramas, Cycloramas and Panoramic Illusions, Congress of Curious Peoples at Coney Island Museum, panelist, Coney Island, NY
2011 - The Grand Moving Mirror of California -Or -California as it was & as it is!, Preserving and Understanding the Battlefield Panorama Heritage Conference, Gettysburg, PA, USA
2010 - Creating a New Moving Panorama: The Grand Moving Mirror of California, Kültür A.Åž. - Panoramas Bridging Cultures and Time 19th Annual Conference, Istanbul, TURKEY
2008 - International Panoramic Phenomena, World Making: Art and Politics in Global Media Conference, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin, USA
2007 - "Effulgence of the North": An Arctic Panorama On View at the Velaslavasay Panorama, Panoramas in the Virtual World: The Exploration of Old Techniques and New Technologies in Panorama Creation and Exhibition, University of Plymouth University, Plymouth, England, UK
2005 - The Velaslavasay Panorama at the Union Theatre, 13th IPC International Panorama Council Conference, Luxun Academy of Fine Art, Shenyang, CHINA